How we deliver our English curriculum (writing): 

Teaching writing in EYFS: 

Writing in the Early Years begins with exploratory mark making. Children have opportunities to explore mark making in both indoor and outdoor provision, using a range of materials available to them. 

Children are exposed to a range of exciting stories and non-fiction texts in order to develop their vocabulary, improve communication & language and as a stimulus for early writing. The school's writing cycle of 'engage, explore, prepare and write' is followed through a thematic approach across a sequence of lessons. Children have the opportunity to write lists, letters, instructions and as the year progresses children build up to writing their own short narratives based on the structure of traditional tales. 

Through fidelity to the Read Write Inc programme, children are taught handwriting patterns as part of their phonics lessons as they learn each new sound. A range of resources are available to support children's developing ability to form letters correctly (e.g. rhymes, sound mats, images etc.) 

As the year progresses, children are encouraged to become more independent in their mark making and developing ability to write. Continuous provision provides opportunities across the classroom for children to access mark making tools and materials to support their learning through play. 

Teaching writing in KS1 and KS2 

To support all pupils to be able to write clearly, accurately and coherently, writing teaching at Churchtown Primary School in KS1 and KS2 follows a consistent sequence to support pupils in being able to communicate confidently and express their ideas in the written form. 

Writing Cycle

Phase Hook to engage pupils into writing unit (text and/or associated video/music, drama, assembly etc.) May involve role play, drama and opportunities for oracy are built into the engage phase. Genre of unit discussed and established. Audience and purpose also established where appropriate.

Quality text provided and pupils supported to read & understand (this may be the 'quality text' linked to writing opportunity). Pupils have the opportunity to read text aloud to support fluency and key reading skills discussed, taught & practised to ensure pupils can respond to the text as a reader. Any new vocabulary is explored and taught explicitly. 

Opportunity to write - responding as a reader

Explore (as a reader) 

Exploration of writing genre so pupils understand the structure of the text type and a range of excellent examples provided to support this. 

In KS1, this may involve learning parts of/full text to support understanding. 

Pupils will analyse text structure, features and specific vocabulary to help gain a deeper understanding of the writing outcome. 

Opportunity to write - creation of toolkit and other resources (displayed on working wall).

Prepare (practicing specific skills and gathering content)

Specific VGP foci explicitly taught during this phase linked to the writing toolkit for the specific genre, purpose and audience. 

Lessons may also include 'content' gathering to be utilised in the 'write' phase e.g. description foci etc.

Daily writing opportunities to support with the 'write' phase.

Write (scaffolded)

Modelled write phase - teacher models planning, writing and editing process. 'Think aloud' and collaborative writing with pupils during this phase, ensuring linked VGP foci are included as part of this modelling. Pupils utilise this model to write their own version of the text type. 

During these lessons, there is a continual process of planning, writing and editing (responding to feedback given) so pupils can reflect on their writing during each day. Editing time is also given, with key editing skills modelled by the teacher. Oral rehearsal opportunities throughout this phase (sol, peer and class rehearsal). 

Daily writing opportunities based on the modelled write.

Write (independent) 

Pupils then have the opportunity to apply key skills and knowledge to create a further example of the text type based on learning from the unit. Time allocated for planning and pupils will continually proofread (including oral rehearsal) and edit their work throughout this independent 'write' phase. 

Where appropriate, independent pieces are 'published' to provide a real-life audience and purpose to writing. 

Daily writing opportunities to apply key skills and knowledge.


Through our foundation curriculum, there are also a range of opportunities for writing (e.g. report writing in science, recounts in history etc.) to support consolidation of key skills and knowledge in writing.


Throughout each sequence of writing lessons, opportunities for oracy are planned for. These include (but are not limited to): 

  • Role play 
  • Discussion of text (responding as a reader) 
  • Oral rehearsal 
  • Performance reads 
  • Debates 
  • Peer review of work 
  • Celebration of work in class & during assemblies 

Teaching Vocabulary: 

To support pupils to communicate successfully, we understand the importance of developing pupils' vocabulary. This starts from the very beginning of a pupil's journey with us in EYFS by providing vocabulary-rich environments and extensive opportunities to explore, learn, say and practise new vocabulary in a range of engaging contexts. 

Across our curriculum, vocabulary & word meaning is explored and new vocabulary is taught explicitly to support acquisition and application. This includes through our foundation curriculum where key vocabulary is outlined, planned for and taught. 


Spelling is taught through out Read Write Inc programme for pupils in EYFS and KS1. Through teaching decoding & spelling in tandem as part of our phonics programme it means that pupils have secure phonics code knowledge by the end of KS1. 

We build on this knowledge in Year 3 and Year 4 by utilising the Read Write Ince spelling programme to ensure consolidation and application of phonics knowledge to support successful spelling. 

In Year 5 and Year 6 spellings are also taught explicitly, following the sequence below:

- Review – Review previous spelling rules taught and any linked rules to prepare for teaching of new spelling rules

- Teach – Explicit teaching of new spellings & associated pattern/rule. Phonics used to support teaching and morphology & etymology exploration used to further support spelling.

- Practise – Range of opportunities to practise spellings (spelling resources, games etc.)

- Apply – Application in writing (modelled and independent phases) and spelling quizzes where appropriate