Year 3

Miss Suffell

Miss Suffell

Oak Class Teacher

Ms Staples

Ms Staples

Elm Class Teacher

Miss Everitt

Miss Everitt

Fir Class Teacher


Hello and a very warm welcome to our Year 3 page. This is indeed the best place to find out any information that you need in order to flourish in the 4 years of Key Stage 2! Now that you have moved into Key Stage 2 we will be trying to use all of the skills that you have learnt so far and apply them to a fun, exciting curriculum. Not only will we be trying to deliver to you a broad and balanced curriculum, but we will be trying to do it in such a way as to make your learning more enjoyable and memorable. We will be still working on phonics, spelling, handwriting and times tables skills, but never fear, you’ll be fully prepared to face the learning in Year 3.

We will be starting the year off travelling back in time a couple of thousand years to Ancient Rome and finding out how they expanded their empire, why they invaded Britain and what they left behind that we still use today. We will be using ‘Escape from Pompeii’ as a quality text to drive our creative writing whilst learning all about volcanoes and their explosive power. In the Spring term, we will be going on another journey. Not literally, but we will be journeying all around Europe in our Geography theme where we will compare and contrast different physical and man-made features from a range of countries. Be prepared to find out about every capital city in Europe! We will complete the year looking at what happened after the Romans had left Britain. We will try and make sense by looking at the Anglo Saxons, Vikings and Scots – a real free-for-all!

Year 3 Curriculum

Below is the curriculum for Year 3. This has been broken down by subjects and then by half-terms:

School Clubs 

Parent Information Afternoon

Kidsafe Session Outline

Home tasks


In Year 3, we believe that homework should consolidate the learning that has taken place in school and engage the children to share this new knowledge with their families. The activities chosen below are directly relevant to the Year 3 curriculum in school. 

Please choose and complete at least 6 activities from the menu (below) over the course of the half-term. Homework can be recorded in the homework book or brought into school in any other form (photos, posters etc) where appropriate.  

Our weekly homework offer in Year 3 includes:

•    Homework Menu (across the half term)
•    Please continue to aim to read with your child at least 3 times a week.
•    We would also like your child to continue to practise their times tables at home – Times Tables Rockstars is a useful resource to use to help support with pupils practising this at home 
•    To support with our reading and writing work in school, we will now start to send home each week a spelling rule and linked words so you are aware of what is being covered as part of our work in school. This rule will be taught and practised throughout the following week in school and we wanted to send this home so, where possible, children can practise this at home. Children will have the chance to learn, practise and apply this rule in class through a range of activities and quizzes as part of our RWI spelling programme. 

We teach the children to take pride and responsibility for their own work and we strive to develop their independence, therefore we expect each homework task to be completed with care and to the best of their ability. Homework should take no longer than approximately 30 minutes per week to complete.

Feedback for homework will primarily be given either verbally or through self/peer marking during whole-class feedback where appropriate. Teaching staff will ensure any misconceptions are addressed during feedback given to support progress and understanding.

Thank you for your continued support.

Homework menu Summer 2 2023/24

Homework menu Summer 1 2023/24

Homework menu Spring 2 2023/24

Homework menu Spring 1 2023/24


Other learning opportunities:

· Family projects

· Playing board games & card games

· Discussion and debate around topical issues and news items

Practical Maths Activities:

· Money – counting, going shopping, and calculating the change, currency conversion.

· Cooking- measuring and weighing, calculating cooking times, calculating total weight, using scales accurately.

· Telling the time - 5 minute and 1 minute accuracy.

· Using timetables for travel.

· Calculating time intervals between TV programmes, bus journey’s and car journeys.

· Other opportunities for real life maths and applying their number and computation skills for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.


Links Times Table Rockstars -